
Les gens qui ne rient jamais ne sont pas des gens sérieux

Be who you are and say what you mean, those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday walk

The thermometer was pointing to 10 below freezing but the snow looked inviting and the sun was shining weakly so off we went.

Accompanied to the gate by the excitable dogs, and seen off with a barked show of bravado, we set off down the road. We soon turned off down a narrow path that took us, one by one, footsteps fitting into snowy foot prints, towards the river.

Our conversation, muffled by scarfs and padded layers, soon died down and we walked in companiable silence, every so often pointing out a particularly beautiful sight; snowy layers on branches or animal tracks in the deep snow.

The hazy sun was strong enough to make the whiteness sparkle, and the views were stunning; a monochrome landscape with texture and depth.

We walked along the ridge, following a cross country skier, who soon disappeared into the distance. A couple of deer bounded by, made visible by the unmoving white landscape. We looked towards the river and a wild boar ran into our line of vision, soon disappearing into the trees.

We trudged on, into the woods, where the snow fell from the branches, disturbed by the wind. We followed small tracks, breathing in the good cold air and letting the excesses of the night before fade.

After a good hour, legs fully warmed up and aching slightly, we were back, lightly dusted with snow. The dogs welcomed us in and followed us back to the house where soup and hot tea were waiting.

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