
Les gens qui ne rient jamais ne sont pas des gens sérieux

Be who you are and say what you mean, those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind

Monday, June 25, 2007

And isn't it ironic...

Ms Morissette was a little off in her definition of irony. After all, rain on your wedding day and a free ride when you've already paid is plain old bad luck. I encountered a perfect example of irony last week though.

The magazine that I was recruited for, specifically because of this blog, gave me a new job on top of the cafe reviews and short articles... proofreading.

It was great - a proper desk in a proper office in a proper big tower. They had all the mod-cons like coffee machines and self-flushing toilets... I was like a kid in a toy shop. Or maybe a kid pretending to be a grown up in an office.

On my last day there, I got an article on my desk called 'the best English language blogs in Poland' and got the shock of my life to see boo included in the five that were featured. Of course, having my stories described as 'as interesting as a chewed shoe' and being awarded 2/5 for my writing was, er, interesting? Why I was picked as one of the best five, and then described as 'Jerry Springerly' was slightly beyond me, and my 'headache-inducing commentary on my health' confused me, as I haven't written a thing about as much as a cough for months. Anyway, all publicity is good publicity, and you have to admit it's a classic.

A magazine that recruited me because of the writing on my blog, ripping the writing on my blog to shreds in an article.

Now that's irony.

... don't you think?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question is - how do you rate the article that gave you 2/5?

10:10 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

err, i'm still confused by that and very angry on your behalf at their rating. shall i write in and complain?

4:28 pm  
Blogger Becca said...

Ha, it was pretty good actually gs. Concise, a litle extreme in the descriptions, but entertaining. I'll let you know how it affects the stats...

Aww thanks Keji, I'll scan the article once its published and put it up. You might agree with some of what he said :)

4:56 pm  

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