
Les gens qui ne rient jamais ne sont pas des gens sérieux

Be who you are and say what you mean, those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind

Monday, May 14, 2007


A little old lady pulled her trolley along behind her, not shuffling but placing careful footsteps. She focused on the ground in front of her, and looked up every often to get her bearings. Her body was bent by age, and wrinkles cut deep into her face. I watched her moving slowly, as I stood waiting for Marek outside a shop.

As she approached I took a step back, to let her pass, but when she drew level she stopped. Her gaze travelled up from my feet to my questioning smile. As she looked up at me, towering above her and wondering if there was something she wanted me to do for her, she gave a bright smile. "I'm so short!" she said, laughing and looking at me with twinkling eyes. I just stood there, smiling almost apologetically and wondering how I should respond.

She shook her head with a little sigh, gave me one last glance and carried on her way.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I'm sure it didn't help matters that you're so tall.

9:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becca, I visit your blog from time to time, been enjoying some priceless sentences, literally, I mean. Sorry for being little off topic but I'd really like to contact you via email with something I believe you may be interested in. Not sure how to go about it :) Would you be so kind to email me at, Thank you! Feel free to delete this post, just haven't been able to come up with any other way to contact you.

6:54 pm  

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