
Les gens qui ne rient jamais ne sont pas des gens sérieux

Be who you are and say what you mean, those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind

Saturday, March 29, 2008

new month's resolutions

When you get into the habit of rushing around all the time, barely pausing between the essentials of work-eat-sleep, days merge into one long blur, punctuated by the odd visit, event, holiday (Easter anyone?).

You hardly have a chance to register the beauty of days that change from this...

into this... the space of a few hours.

You don't make time for friends, you don't pay proper attention to the world - skimming the news and leaving snatches of overheard discussions floating in the breeze, not followed up and never completed. You don't visit all the sites you used to follow, missing the words of bloggers whose thoughts would resonate with your own, if you only let them.

I don't anyway. In April I will. April will be different.

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