Four out of five days last week I was in an airport. Actually two airports each time, and a plane. This is wrong. And bad.
It is bad for the environment.
It is bad for my health.
And most worryingly, it is turning me into a pompous snob, blase and dismissive of exciting, new places because I know all I'll see is an airport, a train or bus, a meeting room and then the same all over again, in reverse order.
I used to love travelling. Actually, I still do, but for pleasure, when I have time to read about and really experience the place, taking millions of pictures and properly exploring. Travelling for work is rubbish.
Three of the four flights were delayed; I went to Stockholm for the first time and saw absolutely nothing of the city; and I've been in Vienna so many times over the last year that it doesn't feel like abroad anymore.
In 2008 I went to 8 countries. That doesn't sound too unmanageable but I went to Austria 6 times for work, and the UK the same number, not to mention the ten trips to Poland - the sad necessity of a long-distance relationship.
I know I am a privileged person and that these opportunities may not last forever, so I should cherish them. But when you spend hour after hour in some lifeless departure hall, trying not to spend your hard-earned cash on overpriced souvenirs just for something to do, it doesn't feel like much of a privilege.

I have been following your blog for years now. I am a friend of Kinga P's and used to live in Warsaw (that's the connection) and I look at your photos and read your blog with such envy. I'm back home in Australia now and European weekend jetsetting is a thing of the past. You are privileged. Keep it fresh somehow lucky girl! I need something to keep reading and being envious of!
Aww thanks Ally, just what I needed to jolt me out of my stupor :) Although Australia sounds lovely to me...
Before being pensioned off some years ago by an employer who did not seem to fully appreciate my value, I used to travel occasionally to Africa on their behalf. Fascinating continent, but the novelty wore a bit thin and like you, I tended to see more of airports, hotels and offices than I did of the country. Perhaps the most memorable trip was the one to Dar es Salaam via Nairobi. Nairobi had a problem at the time with its landing aids, so arrival of the flight had to coincide with the arrival of daylight. Except this time the aiport was shrouded in cloud/fog. So down we went, then the engines roared an up we went again, to be joined by last night's plastic dinner. No problem says the pilot, we have plenty of fuel, we'll try again. Same thing happened (only this time there was no more dinner to join us). This time he says that the relief crew waiting on the ground says we nearly made it so we'll try again. Third time was unlucky for most of the passengers who wanted to get off at Nairobi, as we then went straight on to Dar, which suited me fine.
Flying to so called exotic places is not all it's cracked up to be!
Pinolona's Dad
Thanks Pinolona's Dad! Sounds like quite an experience. Much more exotic that my work travels...
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